Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The Early History of Queens, New York

For many years, Kew Motor Inn has provided top-quality theme-room hotel experiences for guests at its Jamaica, New York, location. Situated in the Queens borough of New York City, Kew Motor Inn enables guests to explore the many historical destinations in Queens

Before European explorers arrived to the North American continent in the 1600s, the present-day Queens area was occupied by the Jameco, Reckowacky, and Mespat Indians. These native peoples lived an agricultural lifestyle, taking advantage of the lush farmland to grow squash, berries, corn, and nuts. 

The modern history of Queens stretches back to the early 17th century, 50 years before the English took over control of the North American coastline. Queens was discovered in 1614 by the Dutch explorer and merchant Adrien Block, who sailed for the Dutch East India Company. Passing through the East River, Block became the first European to lay eyes on Queens and greater Long Island. Block soon established the New Amsterdam settlement in Manhattan, which later became known as New York after the Anglo-Dutch War of 1652-1654.