Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The Rising Importance of the Customer Experience

By offering themed luxury rooms, many of which come equipped with Jacuzzis and other amenities, Kew Motor Inn places its focus on satisfying customers and providing them with experiences they will never forget. Alongside privacy, quality customer service is a key priority for Kew Motor Inn.

Statistics increasingly indicate that consumers are looking more toward the experience offered by companies, rather than branding and price, when making their purchasing decisions.

A survey conducted by Walker, which is a consulting firm that focuses on consumer intelligence, suggests that 86 percent of those surveyed would pay more for a satisfactory customer experience. In concludes that by 2020, customer experience will stand as the main factor in consumer decisions, pushing ahead of more traditional factors, like products sold and price.

This indicates that an increasing focus on the experience will help to improve brand engagement and consumer loyalty in the years to come. As a result, companies that focus on improving in this area now will have a key competitive advantage by 2020, if the results of the Walker survey prove accurate.