Friday, February 10, 2017

Tips for Building a Themed Room

Kew Motor Inn has developed a reputation for delivering quality service to customers, coupled with a theme room experience that has seen it consistently voted as one of the top hourly-rate inns in New York by online publications like Timeout and Ask Men. Achieving these distinctions by placing focus on the development of attractive and spacious themed rooms, Kew Motor Inn has provided the backdrop for many couples’ happiest memories. 

Creating a great themed room takes skills and patience, but these tips could help.

1. The theme is important but not absolutely everything in the room needs to match it. In fact, being too heavy-handed in applying the theme can lead to you overdoing it and trading class for tackiness.

2. Colors go a long way to establishing a theme, so pick them carefully. For example, a safari room should feature earthy tones, whereas an Egyptian theme should lean more toward blues and golds.

3. Experimentation is encouraged, as you may not be able to find specific items that suit your theme easily. Check online stores to find a wider selection, and try to find a few things that set the room apart, both from other themes and rooms that share the same style of décor.